Taraz college of railway
transport and communications
Mission of the college . Qualified specialists with a high level of theoretical and practical skills, with high personal qualities for railway transport enterprises, taking into account the request for industrial and innovative development
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Our progress
College structure
Кеnzhebaeva ulzhan kaipbekovna
College director
Taibekov Zhenis Melsovich
Deputy director for educational and production work
ADILBAEV alisher aitpaevich
Deputy director for educational work
muhataeva sabira amanbaevna
Deputy director teaching and educational work
zhankuanysheva gulnar Kuttykiyaevna
Deputy director for Information Technology
College teachers and musters
izbasarov bakhtiyar alibekovich
Deputy director for administrative economy work
kosalieva gulnara orynbasarovna
myrzakulova ainur
kozhagali asel nurdauletovna
umiralieva indira koshkarbekovna
Head of personnel department
tazhibaeva azhar serikkyzy
Psychologist teatcher