Taraz  college of railway 

transport  and communications

Mission of the college . Qualified specialists with a high level of theoretical and practical skills, with high personal qualities for railway transport enterprises, taking into account the request for industrial and innovative development

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Тараз теміржол көлік және коммуникация колледжінде білім ал. Сен өкінбейсің!!! Получай знания в Таразском колледже железнодорожного транспорта и коммуникаций. Ты не пожалеешь!!!

Our progress

    The college carries out educational activities in the specialty 10410200 - "organization of transportation and traffic management on railway transport", after which graduates (3W10410201 - "duty officer at the railway station") on the basis of a license. License No. KZ 52LAA00013912 dated January 31, 2019. Issued by the Department for Control in the Sphere of Education of the Zhambul Region of the Committee for Control in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the above specialty.

    - Performs the work of a duty officer at the railway station in the specialty;

    - 10410200 - "organization of transportation and traffic management in railway transport" by specialization;

    - 3W10410201 - "duty officer at the railway station": - organizes transportation and traffic control on railway transport;

    - reception and departure of trains at the station;

    - serves freight and passenger trains.

    The purpose of the educational program is aimed at training highly qualified specialists with various competencies required for the railway industry. Priority areas of the educational process of the college;

   - training of professional personnel that meet the requirements of the demand for the labor market in continuous development in terms of qualifications;

    - improving the quality of knowledge of college consumers;

    - increasing the prestige of professions;

    - the systematic formation of an active civic position, social responsibility, a sense of patriotism, high moral qualities, and leadership qualities among young people;

    - formation of professional potential of students;

    - full satisfaction of the spiritual, moral and cultural, intellectual needs of students;

    - analysis of domestic and foreign experience in contact with each other, achievement of good results in the course of implementation.

    The training of specialists for the purpose of introducing modular training technology is carried out in the experimental educational program "Organization of transportation and traffic control in railway transport." The program was developed in accordance with the state obligatory standards of technical and vocational education on the basis of the educational program of Kasipkor Holding JSC, taking into account modern international requirements in accordance with international requirements for skilled labor and mid-level specialists.

    An educational program based on a competency-based approach is developed taking into account the concept of lifelong learning, since the content of educational programs, on the one hand, is aimed at the formation of highly qualified specialists who are able to adapt to changing conditions in the workplace, and on the other hand, professional growth and continuing education.

    This approach to learning allows each student to form a sense of success, which is created by the organization of the learning process, including teaching the student to manage their knowledge and improve their knowledge, and later their professional growth and career growth. Thus, the consumer, as a consumer, will be satisfied with knowledge, he can improve it throughout his life, be responsible for changes in the labor market.